Born 1937, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. After graduating from Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University, in 1962, joined its anatomy laboratory. Became Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, retiring in 1995 as Professor Emeritus. Numerous publications include Karada no mikata (how to look at the body), awarded the Suntory Prize 1988; Katachi wo yomu (reading forms), 1986; Kaibo-gaku kyoshitsu e yokoso (welcome to the anatomy classroom), 1993, Nihonjin no shintaikan (Japanese views of the body), 2004; Yuino-ron (brain only theory), 1989; Baka no kabe (What A Fool Believes.), 2003; Jibun no kabe (wall of self), 2014; Yoro Takeshi no daigenron (great statements by Takeshi Yoro), 2011; Shintai junrei (body pilgrimage), 2014 and Yuigon (testament), 2017. His work continues on issues related to social change, particularly change caused by loss of bodily awareness, using biological insight obtained from observation of insects.