Born in 1970 in Nara Prefecture. Web designer, interface designer and visual director. Graduated from the University of Tokyo's School of Engineering. Currently a professor at Tama Art University. Has been involved in the fields of web design and interface design since 1998. In 2004, set up a design studio "tha ltd." Has since been working in a crisscross manner on many projects, including art direction of websites and visual works, as well as designing and programming. His major works include directing the series of web designs for Uniqlo, the user interface design for KDDI's smart phone "INFOBAR", and the direction of NHK E Tele "Design Ah!" program. Has received major design prizes such as the Grand Prix of the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, the Grand Prix of the Tokyo Interactive Ad Awards, Grand Prix of the TDC Awards and the Mainichi Design Prize.