Born in 1973 in Saitama Prefecture. While a student at Tama Art University, formed a comedy duo "Rahmens" with Kentaro Kobayashi. Has since been working mainly on stage, but also on TV and radio, and is engaged in a wide range of genres such as clay sculpting. Has appeared in the plays "Moldman the Bellringer in Dublin" and "Bob", and the movie "Udon". Held a solo exhibition of his clay sculptures in April 2013 at Shibuya Parco, drawing 13,000 visitors in 18 days. The exhibition was also held at Sapporo Parco from September 12. Currently making regular appearances in "Shakiin!", a children's program on NHK's educational E-Tele channel and in "Elekata no konto taro", a TBS radio program. From November 8, will take part in the play "Like Dorothy" which will be touring nationwide.