Born in 1954 in Aichi Prefecture. In 1977 joined Tanaka Ikko Design Office. Set up Hiromura Design Office in 1988. Has received numerous awards including the KU/KAN prize 2008, the 65th Mainichi Advertisement Design Competition, Best of Category Award, the 44th SDA Diamond Award and Good Design Gold Award of the Good Design Award 2010. Among his major works are CI and signage system for the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, logo mark for the 1300th Anniversary of Nara Heijo-kyo Capital, VI plan for the Yokosuka Museum of Art, art direction and signage plan for the 9h Kyoto Teramachi (capsule hotel), renewal VI Plan for the Seibu Department in Ikebukuro, Comprehensive art direction for the LOFT Yurakucho. Has hold exhibitions including "Junglin'" at Seibu Gallery. Has just engaged in comprehensive art direction for the exhibition "Japan Creative" at Milano Slone 2012, VI and signage plan for the Sumida Aquarium. Has written books including "Space Graphism" (Rikuyosha Company), "What Design Can Do. What Design Should Do." And "JI BORN", (both Art Design Publishing Company) , "100 ggg Books and 100 Graphic Designers" (ginza graphic gallery) and more.